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 04-25-2011, 15:06 Post: 178165

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 Where Murf

Glad to report, as Mark Twain said "The
reports of my death are greatly exaggerated". Smile

Sorry folks, life, a new business (yeah I know, I'm supposed to be taking it easy) and flying around (both for pleasure and business) have gotten in the way, I still keep an eye though.

That and it seems the biggest group here lately have been the 'Gator' crowd. Beyond the fact they're green I don't know squat about those little buggers.

Other than a wrecked plane (I wasn't in it at the time) not much else is new.

Sorry for the worry.

I'm always around though, feel free to fire me a PM or email anytime.

Best of luck.

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 09-23-2017, 20:27 Post: 197121

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 Where Murf

Well once again I'm both honoured and reminded of how people you 'hardly know' are so important in our lives. I am also glad to be included in such great company.

I just got back from a whirlwind trip to a) check on my Florida properties, and b) more importantly (to me anyways) attend a celebration of life of an old friend I served with at the National Museum of the US Air Force on the base at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH.

I am truly blessed, not just because of my friends, so many of which I've never met face-to-face, but because all three of my properties in FL are relatively unscathed, something I can't say for so many others.

I can't believe how many years has passed.

Thanks Dennis, for all these years.

Best of luck friends, best of luck.

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 10-22-2017, 09:44 Post: 197202

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 Where Murf

Sorry to hear about your issue Harvey, hope you are back at it quickly.

I know it is going to sound whacky guys, but you seriously need to give it a shot, have a probiotic yogurt every morning with your breakfast.

My dear lady got me to a homeopath a while back. I had pooh poohed the idea but she persisted and pointed out that I had originally said much the same thing about a chiropractor. Point taken.

I am not sure how it works, or even why, but it does. I changed NOTHING else as far as diet or exercise, a problem due to injuries anyways. In y months I went from 250 pounds down to 210 pounds!

As a bonus I rarely snore now either I am told, although I do not believe I ever did. Hehehe. ;-p

Best of luck.

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 10-23-2017, 13:55 Post: 197206

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 Where Murf

Hey Dennis,

I eat Activia probiotic yogurt, it's available everywhere. Lots of great fruit flavours, I even have a second one for desert some evenings. The commercials are correct for once, it really does taste good. Wink yeah right

Best of luck.


Link:   Activia Probiotic Yogurt 

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 10-24-2017, 20:29 Post: 197209

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 Where Murf

Thanks friends for the kind words, but Dennis old buddy, you owe me a keyboard. The ‘coma rendering evening portion’ comment resulted in a sip of really great wine becoming terribly poor keyboard cleaner. Laughing out loud.

Harvey, stents are NOT like diesels, more is NOT better. Look after the engine or the rest of the machine is scrap.

Best of luck.

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